And it's not only a planner, it also has articles that serves as guides for us girls in regarding about fashion, fitness & health, time managing, career, budgeting, and a lot more. It also has pages that would help us like the birthday list, menstrual tracker, vacation planner, emergency numbers, etc.
Now, to start one of my early New Year resolutions, I finally have my own planner to start planning things in the year 2009. ^_^
What's inside the planner?
Big Rocks: The big projects you’re working on at any given moment. Set aside some time every day or every week to move your big rocks forward. Let’s say every Tuesday and Thursday morning, you spend two hours to working on your big rocks.
Priorities of the Week: Urgent tasks that absolutely need to be finished within the seven-day time period.
Gap Time: The little blocks of time we have during the day while waiting for the bus, standing in line, waiting for a meeting to start, etc. Have a list of small, five-minute tasks that you can do in these moments—like some paperwork you need to review, notes for work you need to delegate and etc—just to make the most of these spare minutes.
Errand List: For your little personal errands, like going to the bank, paying your bills, picking up the groceries, etc.
Daily Schedule: For those days filled with non-stop meetings, you can just jot down the key words here to block off the time. Another way to use this is to block off certain hour slots for tasks, so it becomes like an appointment you set with yourself.
Most Important Tasks (MITs) and Action List: Now this part can be your to-do list or if you’re a free space planner, just create your own category. One time management tip we introduced last year was the Most Important Tasks or MITs. The idea is, no matter what we do today, these MITs are the really, really absolutely must-do tasks for the day. So even as the day goes by with all the meetings, phone calls, emergency stuff, you are productive as long as you finish your MITs. A trick here is doing your MITs first thing in the morning, whether at home or at work, that way you won’t procrastinate when you get so busy and run out of time. If you need a magic number, we recommend you go with 3 MITs, including 1 MIT related to your life goal, that way, you can say you are moving a step closer to making your dreams come true.
Monthly Priorities: For tasks, that don’t necessarily have to be done within the day or week but within the month, jot them down here.
Social Calendar: For the social butterfly in you. Jot down parties, events, and birthdays so you won’t forget to RSVP. Feel free to add the movies or plays you would want to watch with your beau or barkada.
“Me” Time: Feed your mind, soul and spirit by planning new ventures—spa treatments you’d like to try, new places you’d like to visit, books you want to read, classes you’re interested in, etc. Promise yourself, at least one day this month, you’d attend to your gorgeous self.
“I’m Grateful For” list: To keep a positive outlook in life, jot down the highlights of your month, little things you’re thankful for, and surprise blessings you’ve received.
Expense Tracker: Budget your hard-earned money and keep track of your weekly expenses, shopping splurges included.
Time Management Strategies: Thanks to our favorite time management pro, Leo Babauta of, we found the solutions to a BDJ girl’s work dilemmas. Every month, you’ll get your dose of time management strategies guaranteed to give you a stress-free life.
2009 Goals: Take the first step to turning your dreams and ambitions into realities. Let this page be a constant reminder of your life goals.
Someday Maybe List: Never let what-if’s and I-could-have’s slip away again. This small space is for random thoughts and ideas you wish to do, because you never know when opportunities will come knocking.
Dream Board Page: The next time you see a falling star, don’t just close your eyes and whisper the dream away. Jot it down on your personal dream board and whisk it into reality.
Menstrual Tracker: Keep track of those “special” days. Knowing your menstrual symptoms, flows, and patterns is vital to your health.
Health Checklist: Do you know which types of doctors you should see regularly? Don’t fret; we’ll be your constant reminder so that you’ll never miss another doctor’s appointment ever again.
Vacation Planner: It doesn’t matter if your next VL is months away. Plan early and have a stress-free va-ca!
Birthday List: You’ll never send a “belated happy birthday” card again, thanks to this year-long birthday list.
Christmas Gift List: Play Santa with this blank holiday inventory. Go ahead, make a list and check it twice!
2010 Forward Planning: This page is your life masterpiece in the making. Like a free-flowing artist, fill this area with notes, doodles, clippings, and other random thoughts of the year to come.
Emergency Numbers: When life’s trials and tragedies strike, let this be the first page you turn to. For every emergency possible, make sure you’ve got the vital contact numbers you need.
A New Circle of Friends: Like a little black book, this page is for those new, interesting people you meet. If they forgot to bring a calling card, let them jot down their contact info on this page—yes, including that cute guy you just met!
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